Bestowed with the title
Shree Kshetra Mahari (meaning Devadasi) in 2005 from Jagannath Temple Puri (one of the highest order for Odissi), phenomenal danseuse Sanchita Bhattacharya is truly "..an ambassador of Odissi dance around the world", as says Edmonton Journal ( 4th June 04 ,Canada). Sanchita, about whom The New York Times has remarked ". Her dance has been described as perfection, is mesmerising and wooing the audience world over", from Madison Sq Garden (in NY, probably the only Indian classical dancer to perform at this most prestigious and one of the largest auditoriums in the world), to Arcosanti Arizona, to Esplanade Theater (Singapore), to World culture concert (at Hull by UK govt ), to Provincial Museum Alberta( Canada), to duet with Tap and Flamingo (Toledo- Spain) to Sankat Mochan Festival (Varanasi), to Opening Ceremony of ISCKON temple Delhi graced by then PM Shri Atal Behari Bajpai to Sutanuti Utsav Kolkata and many many more.

A disciple of both the two resurrector-doyens of Odissi, Gurus Mayadhar Raut and Padmabibhusan Kelucharan Mahapatra and a recipient of Kalpataru Award (2000)from Delhi ,Sanchita is not only a spellbinding Odissi soloist , she has also represented Indian Classical dance in many prestigious world culture forums. She along with Ustad Zakir Hussain were the only lecturers from Indian Music and dance in 03, amongst galaxy of high profile lecturers like Jane Fonda, Dr Deepak Chopra, Margie Gilles etc at Omega(USA) ,the worlds largest continuing education center. World culture concert for education on international culture was organized at Hull by UK govt (participated by artistes from all over) where Sanchita was the only artiste invited to represent India. At the Rocky mountain summit of Euro- American Noble laureates (04) she was specially invited to perform at the closing ceremony.

Banking on her strengths- ultimate devotion and excelling expressions, vigorous and strong footwork and sculptureous gestures, Sanchita has made her mark as Odissi choreographer of repute depicting traditional and humanitarian subjects which are socially relevant today. Her latest project “The Draupadi Phenomenon ” demanding dignity for today’s women has earned accolade all over.

Sanchita is a web lecturer of the site
www.world-body.org, a global forum dealing with the thoughtful exchange of ideas, accessible to government of different countries. She also lecture demonstrated at Duke University, University of Colorado, Antioch collage, University of Alberta(Canada) ,University of Duluth Minnesota , Brown University etc.

She successfully runs Sanchita Dance Foundation in Calcutta with branches in USA where Odissi talim is given on one to one basis .

She dreams to build up a movement spreading this unique dance form and the philosophy of it and to create a world base for aspiring danseuse.

Sanchita Bhattacharya can be reached at
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