Nrutyacharya Guru Durga Charan Ranbir is the most celebrated protégé of Late Dr Deba Prasad Das. He is responsible for popularizing the Deba Prasad

Gurukul across the globe. For him, Odissi is not just a profession, but a way of life. Day in and day out he is completely immersed in the bhava of Odissi. Guru Ranbir is a globe trotter and has numerous disciples worldwide. Apart from travelling with his disciples, he imparts training to them at his institute, “Nrutyayan”, of which he is the founder director. Sri Ranbir is currently involved in preserving the Deba Prasad Gharana and is exploring all possibilities to accomplish his task. Not only he himself but his able disciples are also involved in his projects. He has been very successful in his endeavor and is still striving to pass on his legacy. Guru Ranbir has very accomplished disciples not only in India but in USA and other countries who are constantly striving hard to fulfill his dreams.
Born on 01.03.1951 at a remote village named Kamaguru, in the Khurda district of Orissa,

Sri Ranbir was attracted to Dance and Music since early childhood. His passion for dance was not encouraged in his family as he was born in a Zamindar family and was expected to take up an academic profession. While at school, Guruji bunked classes at the slightest pretext and would go to watch any cultural programme being held in his village. When discovered he would be severely chastised. But this only made his stand stronger. After completing his matriculation he decided to join the Utkal Sangeeta Mahavidyalaya (an university of music and dance) in Bhubaneswar. But his father hid his form without Guruji’s knowledge as he was not keen on Guruji pursuing his interests. Finally when Guruji discovered the application form, the dates for the interview were already over. With a lot of hope, Guruji arrived at the Utkal Sangeet Mahavidyalaya and approached the then principal, the celebrated Odissi exponent Dr Minati Mishra, who refused to take the interview. Since Guruji was known to the legend of Odissi music, Sangeeta Sudhakar Balakrushna Das, who was then serving as a professor of music, using his influence, a special interview was arranged for Guruji. Late Dr Deba Prasad Das was instructed to interview Guruji. When asked what he knew about Odissi, quite confident of his knowledge, Guruji replied he knew everything. To this, Dr Deba Prasad Das

commented that this was “Fodissi” and not Odissi. From then on Guruji seriously started training in Odissi under the direct supervision of Late Dr Deba Prasad Das and also from Adi Guru Padmashree Pankaj Charan Das. Soon Guruji became a renowned disciple of Deba sir and till date is carrying on his legacy.
Recognitions and AwardsPerformancesA great interview By Rahul Acharya at the Narthaki website
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